It’s the first visual search APP applied to the fashion world. Every LOOKALIKE represents a search: shoot, find, buy.
Is super easy! Take or upload a photo of the product you are looking for; our algorithm will return similar results that you can compare and buy with just a click on our Partners’ websites! To use all the features, you need to create an account. But you can make LOOKALIKE even without registration.
We are constantly working to increase new partners. Everyone is welcome; contact us if you want to work with us and allow users to find your products.
At the app launch, we have more than 4,000,000 products available. Our database is growing daily.
Our APP constantly only displays in stock and ready-to-buy products.
Yes, when you tap on a product, you will be redirected to the website of our partners, from which payments will be handled securely.
Shipping time is calculated based on the selected address, during the checkout on our partners’ websites.
It’s our selection of products, that reflect the top trends of the moment. You can access it through lalselection.com or directly from our app.
All your LOOKALIKE will be saved automatically on an ALBUM, so you can find them whenever you want.
Cookies can be reviewed and modified from your profile in the app. Also the privacy policy is available in the same section.